Resonance group meeting No 4 was held on 11th May 2019 in Warsaw, Poland

Over 10 participants from chosen construction and construction-related companies from Warsaw area participated in the meeting.

Resonance Group Meeting was associated with the regular meeting of Construction Management postgraduate studies. Representatives of the construction industry and local authorities were present.

The meeting covered a presentation of the project, general assumptions and goals for the project, as well diagnosis expert profile and program of the training. Meeting was organised in English language to discuss materials prepared in working language of the project.

Participants of the meeting discussed suggested program of the Diagnostic course, and core competences of diagnosis expert, with use of corrected syllabuses layout. No substantial remarks were mentioned, new corrected syllabuses and programme gathered very positive opinions.

Paul Nowak and Jerzy Rosłon run a discussion on the new layout of syllabuses and programme from Diagnosis Projects. Warsaw, 11th May  2019
4th Resonance Meeting in Poland

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