“Building Diagnosis Experts” course in Italy (E8) – some pictures

“Building Diagnosis Experts” course in Italy (E8) – some pictures

The course, addressed to 20 students of Higher Technical Institute “ITS-TEC Territorio Energia Costruire” of Ferrara (Italy) is now got mor than halfway. In 10 meetings, from 10th September to 15th October 2019, trainees are learning about several different topics, from 3D modelling in BIM environment to social and transversal skills for diagnosis experts, with the aim of explore the new role and acquire the related specific skills their profession will require in the near future.

Intensive course in Barcelona – NOW OPEN! (C7-E7)

Intensive course in Barcelona – NOW OPEN! (C7-E7)

17-29 JUNE 2019 – A new training course will be organized in Barcelona UPC. Free registration for 20 trainees. Deadline for enrollment: May10th 2019.

The course will be articulated in 3 modules: a first module of general contents, a second module dedicated to instrumental complements and a third module focussed on analysis of buildings in terms of habitability, energetic and structural efficiency and safety.

Send your candidacy!