Intensive course in Barcelona – NOW OPEN! (C7-E7)

Intensive course in Barcelona – NOW OPEN! (C7-E7)

17-29 JUNE 2019 – A new training course will be organized in Barcelona UPC. Free registration for 20 trainees. Deadline for enrollment: May10th 2019.

The course will be articulated in 3 modules: a first module of general contents, a second module dedicated to instrumental complements and a third module focussed on analysis of buildings in terms of habitability, energetic and structural efficiency and safety.

Send your candidacy!

Now in Barcelona – Training of trainers about new Training Programs (C4)

Now in Barcelona – Training of trainers about new Training Programs (C4)

From 10th to 14th December 2018 Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) is hosting a Training of Trainers activity: aim of the event is to share and agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for “Building Diagnosis Experts” in Spain.

At the same time partners from the different countries will check their own state of the art on the comparative research, orientating and focussing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.

March 2018 – Short-term joint staff training event in Spain (C1)

March 2018 – Short-term joint staff training event in Spain (C1)

Barcelona – Partners exchange knowledge and experiences debating about curriculum development and training methodologies on specific topics selected during preparation activities. Aim of the event is to agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for “Building Diagnosis Experts” in the 4 Countries. At the same time partners check the state of the art of the comparative research, orientating and focussing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.

November 2017 – The DIAGNOSIS project starts

November 2017 – The DIAGNOSIS project starts

DIAGNOSIS projects starts in Barcelona: the kick-off meeting takes place on 2nd and 3rd November 2017.

The Diagnosis Project is aimed at defining the professional profile of the experts for the diagnosis of the built heritage and establishing the necessary contents for their training.

The Project has specialized partners, both Universities and entities in the construction sector of Spain, Italy, Great Britain and Poland. RehabiMed leads the project and assumes the projection of the results both between the Euro-Mediterranean university world and the entire sector involved, with the objective of consolidating this profile of expert among the specialties related to the rehabilitation of local heritage.