Now in Barcelona – Training of trainers about new Training Programs (C4)

Now in Barcelona – Training of trainers about new Training Programs (C4)

From 10th to 14th December 2018 Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) is hosting a Training of Trainers activity: aim of the event is to share and agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for “Building Diagnosis Experts” in Spain.

At the same time partners from the different countries will check their own state of the art on the comparative research, orientating and focussing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.

23rd March 2018 – Focus group in Italy

23rd March 2018 – Focus group in Italy

Presentation and discussions with local experts and stakeholders during “Clust-ER BUILD – Edilizia e Costruzioni”, regional association of building experts group meeting: focus group Updating higher education in building construction sector. The association involves more than 17 among research centers and Universities, 5 higher education centers, 10 industries, 2 industrial associations, associations of professionals, public administration, Emilia-Romagna Region, Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network.